Archive for February, 2014



Wednesday, February 26th, 2014

“To new beginnings?”
“To new beginnings,” she said.

I wasn’t sure when we spoke the words, and now the weight of that unknowing is the ballast in my gut.

It’s Not for MeComing Soon


My partner in crime at painted this as the cover to a collection of stories. That collection is called An Inhuman Condition. The upcoming story It’s Not for Me is the last one I can write for it. After that I’m trying on some new clothes, getting a shave and really dolling up for the next bit. I need to get past this and move forward. I have to move forward.

To new beginnings.


Synod Horrenda – Seda Vecante (II – Fidgit)

Wednesday, February 5th, 2014

In the hopes that I continue working on this soon, I’m posting a raw section of Synod Horrenda. Sketch art and characters are from my bittery dick of a pal at He also has these really funny comics for sale at


II – Fidgit

“Life is messy and people stink. Like diarrhea stains on the grundle of the world, we’re all just waiting to be wiped out. I think that’s why the end of days is such a popular trope. It’s comforting to think that all the pain, struggle and obligations will burn away, but I’m not so sure. I’ve dipped my dick in death, and for whatever reason I’m still here. I’m a walking example of all the ways a person shouldn’t act, and despite everything I’ve done, the sleep won’t come. I can’t help but laugh whenever I hear about tragedy: a happy family killed by a drunk driver, a fitness instructor getting an embolism at 45. And for all the suffering in the world, miserable cocks like us are free to run around unfettered sticking needles into our arms and our pricks into anything that wiggles and won’t say ‘no.’”

Fidgit moves his jacket aside and sticks the needle between a couple dirty bandages rust stained with dried blood. Wrapped around his chest and next to his heart, his ‘skin’ is a decomposing mess. The dirty wrappings covering his body contain the decay. The few cracks in the coverings let his spiked hair, rotting jaw and a single strained eye socket poke through.  He squeezes the plunger and, for a few moments, finds a hypodermic heaven.

“And if you don’t like me, that’s fine, but you’d be blind to think we’re any different. If you even have eyes, I guess.” Read the rest of this entry


The Inhuman Condition Has Returned

Sunday, February 2nd, 2014

The website is back and mostly working as it was in days past. If you end up at a non-existent site, just add “www.” to the front of the URL. I’m hoping it goes away after the Internet shifts for cleaning.

I have solved the hosting issue, and hope now to finally get on with The Important Work.

Read the rest of this entry